The Old Mill

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Popcorn Meal Pork Chops

What is Popcorn Meal?

You might know popcorn, but what about popcorn meal? It’s a coarsely ground cornmeal that is delicious in cornbread, hoe cakes, or to coat pork chops for frying.

Here at The Old Mill, popcorn meal is a favorite of our miller Chuck Childers because it’s unique. Ground from real popcorn kernels, it has a lot of corn flavor and texture. And this makes it perfect for coating chicken and pork chops as well as blending into his Captain Al’s Catfish Breading, which is perfect for dredging fish and green tomatoes before frying.

Popcorn Meal Cornbread

To make Popcorn Meal Cornbread, use the Popcorn Meal as you would our regular yellow cornmeal. Be sure to add an egg to your cornbread because this makes it softer and cakier, which is a nice contrast to the crunchy meal.

Popcorn Meal Hoe Cakes

For Popcorn Meal Hoe Cakes, heat 2 cups water and a teaspoon salt until boiling and whisk in 1 1/2 cups Popcorn Meal until smooth and thick. Chill. When ready to fry, heat 1 inch of oil in a cast-iron skillet and spoon 2-inch rounds of the chilled meal mixture into the oil, to cook a couple minutes per side. Salt lightly, then serve.

Popcorn Meal Onion Hoe Cakes

Use the Popcorn Meal Hoe Cakes recipe but fold 1 cup thinly sliced onion into the meal before chilling for Popcorn Meal Onion Hoe Cakes.

And now, for those crunchy, popcorn meal-crusted pork chops! See the recipe below!

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